Louis Aslett
Louis Aslett was a postdoc on the EPSRC funded i-like project in Chris Holmes’ group from 2013 to 2017, and a Junior Research Fellow at Corpus Christi College.
The objective of i-like was to further develop computational methodologies for tackling complex likelihood based inference problems, where calculation of the likelihood may be prohibitively slow, or it is simply impossible to evaluate.
Louis’ research interests within i-like were at the interface between cryptography and statistics, with the focus on privacy preserving statistical analyses. His interest is on the statistics side of this fusion, developing novel statistical methodology which is amenable to use in the constrained environment of encrypted computation made possible by recent developments in homomorphic encryption.
Louis is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University.
M. Willetts
S. Hollowell
L. Aslett
C. Holmes
A. Doherty
Statistical machine learning of sleep and physical activity phenotypes from sensor data in 96, 220 UK Biobank participants, Scientific Reports, 2018.
P. M. Esperança
L. J. Aslett
C. C. Holmes
Encrypted accelerated least squares regression, arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.00839, 2017.
L. J. Aslett
P. M. Esperança
C. C. Holmes
Encrypted statistical machine learning: new privacy preserving methods, arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.06845, 2015.
L. J. Aslett
P. M. Esperança
C. C. Holmes
A review of homomorphic encryption and software tools for encrypted statistical machine learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.06574, 2015.