Fadhel Ayed
Bayesian nonparametrics, Machine Learning
I am Fadhel Ayed, a doctoral researcher in Statistical Machine Learning at the University of Oxford, advised by Prof. François Caron.
My primary research subject is statistical machine learning with Bayesian Nonparametric methods and models. I have been working on two main lines of research: 1) Methodological and theoretical properties of clustering and feature allocation models, with applications to language and network modeling; 2) Privacy preservation and disclosure risk limitation.
Since September 2019, I have been working part-time with the AWS forecasting team at Amazon Research. I am developing models for anomaly detection at the intersection of Bayesian Machine Learning and Deep learning.
F. Ayed
F. Caron
Nonnegative Bayesian nonparametric factor models with completely random measures for community detection, 2019.
F. Ayed
J. Lee
F. Caron
Beyond the Chinese Restaurant and Pitman-Yor processes: Statistical Models with Double Power-law Behavior, 2019.
F. Ayed
M. Battiston
F. Camerlenghi
S. Favaro
Consistent estimation of the missing mass for feature models, 2018.
Project: bigbayes -
F. Ayed
M. Battiston
F. Camerlenghi
S. Favaro
On the consistent estimation of the missing mass, 2018.
Project: bigbayes -
F. Ayed
M. Battiston
F. Camerlenghi
S. Favaro
On the Good-Turing estimator for feature allocation models, 2018.
Project: bigbayes