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Christian Carmona Perez

Christian Carmona Perez

Methods for Bayesian modeling under mispecification




  • C. U. Carmona , G. Nicholls , Scalable Semi-Modular Inference with Variational Meta-Posteriors, Apr. 2022.
  • G. K. Nicholls , J. E. Lee , C. H. Wu , C. U. Carmona , Valid belief updates for prequentially additive loss functions arising in Semi-Modular Inference, Jan. 2022.


  • C. Carmona , G. K. Nicholls , Semi-Modular Inference: enhanced learning in multi-modular models by tempering the influence of components, in Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, AISTATS, 2020, vol. 108, 4226–4235.