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Ryan Christ

Ryan Christ

Genomics, Computational statistics, Network Analysis

Ryan is a DPhil student supervised by Chris Holmes, Chris Spencer, and David Steinsaltz.

He has a wide range of research interests including genomics, computational statistics, and decision theory.

He is nearing the completion of his thesis: “Ancestral Trees as Weighted Networks: Applications in Large Genome Wide Association and Selection Scans.” His thesis uses computational tricks for decoding Hidden Markov Models and results on the finite-sample behavior of quadratic forms to develop a scalable haplotype testing framework. This work aims to help identify genes that might drive human disease and features an application to malaria susceptibility.

After graduation, Ryan will continue this line of research while pursuing a medical doctorate at Washington University in St. Louis. In the long run, he aims to pursue an academic career at the intersection of medicine and statistics.



  • H. C. Martin , R. Christ , J. G. Hussin , J. O’Connell , S. Gordon , H. Mbarek , J. Hottenga , K. McAloney , G. Willemsen , P. Gasparini , N. Pirastu , G. W. Montgomery , P. Navarro , N. Soranzo , D. Toniolo , V. Vitart , J. F. Wilson , J. Marchini , D. I. Boomsma , N. G. Martin , P. Donnelly , Multicohort analysis of the maternal age effect on recombination, Nature Communications, vol. 6, 7846, 2015.