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Adam R. Kosiorek

Adam R. Kosiorek

Approximate Inference, Deep Generative Models

I am a PhD student supervised by Ingmar Posner and Yee Whye Teh. I am interested in machine reasoning, and mostly in efficient inference in deep generative models, especially for timeseries. I am also excited by attention mechanisms and external memory for neural networks. I received an MSc in Computational Science & Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, where I worked on VAEs with Patrick van der Smagt.

In my free time I train gymnastics and read lots of books.



  • J. Xu , J. Ton , H. Kim , A. R. Kosiorek , Y. W. Teh , MetaFun: Meta-Learning with Iterative Functional Updates, in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020.
    Project: tencent-lsml


  • F. Fuchs , O. Groth , A. R. Kosiorek , A. Bewley , M. Wulfmeier , A. Vedaldi , I. Posner , Learning Physics with Neural Stethoscopes, in NeurIPS Workshop on Modeling the Physical World: Learning, Perception, and Control, 2018.
  • T. Rainforth , A. R. Kosiorek , T. A. Le , C. J. Maddison , M. Igl , F. Wood , Y. W. Teh , Tighter Variational Bounds are Not Necessarily Better, in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018.
    Project: bigbayes
  • A. R. Kosiorek , H. Kim , Y. W. Teh , I. Posner , Sequential Attend, Infer, Repeat: Generative Modelling of Moving Objects, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018.
    Project: bigbayes
  • T. A. Le , A. R. Kosiorek , N. Siddharth , Y. W. Teh , F. Wood , Revisiting Reweighted Wake-Sleep, CoRR, vol. abs/1805.10469, 2018.
  • F. B. Fuchs , O. Groth , A. R. Kosiorek , A. Bewley , M. Wulfmeier , A. Vedaldi , I. Posner , Neural Stethoscopes: Unifying Analytic, Auxiliary and Adversarial Network Probing, CoRR, vol. abs/1806.05502, 2018.


  • N. Dhir , A. R. Kosiorek , I. Posner , Bayesian Delay Embeddings for Dynamical Systems, in NIPS Timeseries Workshop, 2017.
  • A. R. Kosiorek , A. Bewley , I. Posner , Hierarchical Attentive Recurrent Tracking, in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.