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George Nicholson

George Nicholson

Computational biostatistics, machine learning, precision medicine

I’m a postdoc in Chris Holmes’ research group interested in the development and application of statistical methods for replicable scientific discovery in biomedicine. The data we focus on are typically complex and high-dimensional, comprising a combination of genetic, molecular and clinical data collected in large cohorts. Some methodological areas of current interest include Bayesian sparse factor models, ensemble methods in multi-view learning, and identification of responder subgroups in clinical trials.



  • F. Falck , H. Zhang , M. Willetts , G. Nicholson , C. Yau , C. Holmes , Multi-Facet Clustering Variational Autoencoders, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021.


  • G. Nicholson , C. C. Holmes , A note on statistical repeatability and study design for high-throughput assays, Statistics in medicine, vol. 36, no. 5, 790–798, 2017.
  • I. Roxanis , R. Colling , E. A. Rakha , A. Green , J. Rittscher , R. C. Conceicao , A. Ross , G. Nicholson , C. C. Holmes , Digital Analysis of Tumour Microarchitecture as an Independent Prognostic Tool in Breast Cancer, in LABORATORY INVESTIGATION, 2017, vol. 97, 68A–68A.


  • M. H. Angelis , G. Nicholson , M. Selloum , J. K. White , H. Morgan , R. Ramirez-Solis , T. Sorg , S. Wells , H. Fuchs , M. Fray , . others , Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics, Nature genetics, vol. 47, no. 9, 969–978, 2015.


  • K. E. Pinnick , G. Nicholson , K. N. Manolopoulos , S. E. McQuaid , P. Valet , K. N. Frayn , N. Denton , J. L. Min , K. T. Zondervan , J. Fleckner , . others , Distinct developmental profile of lower-body adipose tissue defines resistance against obesity-associated metabolic complications, Diabetes, DB_140385, 2014.


  • J. L. Min , G. Nicholson , I. Halgrimsdottir , K. Almstrup , A. Petri , A. Barrett , M. Travers , N. W. Rayner , R. Mägi , F. H. Pettersson , . others , Coexpression network analysis in abdominal and gluteal adipose tissue reveals regulatory genetic loci for metabolic syndrome and related phenotypes, PLoS Genet, vol. 8, no. 2, e1002505, 2012.


  • G. Nicholson , M. Rantalainen , J. V. Li , A. D. Maher , D. Malmodin , K. R. Ahmadi , J. H. Faber , A. Barrett , J. L. Min , N. W. Rayner , . others , A genome-wide metabolic QTL analysis in Europeans implicates two loci shaped by recent positive selection, PLoS genetics, vol. 7, no. 9, e1002270, 2011.
  • B. S. Kato , G. Nicholson , M. Neiman , M. Rantalainen , C. C. Holmes , A. Barrett , M. Uhlén , P. Nilsson , T. D. Spector , J. M. Schwenk , Variance decomposition of protein profiles from antibody arrays using a longitudinal twin model, Proteome science, vol. 9, no. 1, 73, 2011.
  • M. Rantalainen , B. M. Herrera , G. Nicholson , R. Bowden , Q. F. Wills , J. L. Min , M. J. Neville , A. Barrett , M. Allen , N. W. Rayner , . others , MicroRNA expression in abdominal and gluteal adipose tissue is associated with mRNA expression levels and partly genetically driven, PloS one, vol. 6, no. 11, e27338, 2011.
  • G. Nicholson , M. Rantalainen , A. D. Maher , J. V. Li , D. Malmodin , K. R. Ahmadi , J. H. Faber , I. B. Hallgrı́msdóttir , A. Barrett , H. Toft , . others , Human metabolic profiles are stably controlled by genetic and environmental variation, Molecular systems biology, vol. 7, no. 1, 525, 2011.
  • A. Drong , G. Nicholson , M. Schuster , F. Karpe , M. McCarthy , C. Holmes , M. Rantalainen , C. Lindgren , M. Consortia , The presence of methylation quantitative trait loci indicate a direct genetic influence on the level of methylation in adipose tissue, 2011.


  • M. Rantalainen , B. Herrera , G. Nicholson , Q. Wills , R. Bowden , M. Neville , J. Randall , A. Barrett , M. Allen , M. McCarthy , . others , Micro-ribonucleic acid expression profiling and expression quantitative trait loci analysis in human gluteal and abdominal adipose tissue, 2010.