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Valerio Perrone

Valerio Perrone

Bayesian nonparametrics, deep learning

I am a third year PhD student in Statistics at the Oxford-Warwick Statistics Programme (OxWaSP), working under the joint supervision of Professor Yee Whye Teh (Oxford), Dr. Dario Spanò (Warwick) and Dr. Paul Jenkins (Warwick). My research interests lie in the fields of Bayesian nonparametric statistics and machine learning. Specifically, I am interested in incorporating dependency structures into Bayesian nonparametric models and in developing novel algorithms for large scale machine learning. I have applied my work to a range of areas including topic modelling and population genetics.



  • V. Perrone , P. A. Jenkins , D. Spano , Y. W. Teh , Poisson Random Fields for Dynamic Feature Models, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Dec. 2017.
    Project: bigbayes
  • X. Lu , V. Perrone , L. Hasenclever , Y. W. Teh , S. J. Vollmer , Relativistic Monte Carlo, in Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2017.
    Project: bigbayes



  • V. Perrone , P. A. Jenkins , D. Spano , Y. W. Teh , NIPS 1987-2015 dataset. 2016.
    Project: bigbayes