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Tammo Rukat

Tammo Rukat

Matrix Factorisation, Bayesian Neural Nets, Deep Generative Models, Statistical Genetics

I am a student with Chris Holmes and Christopher Yau in the Department of Statistics and at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford.

I am doing my doctorate within the framework of the Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Centre for Doctoral Training.



  • T. Rukat , C. C. Holmes , M. K. Titsias , C. Yau , Bayesian Boolean Matrix Factorisation, arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.06166, 2017.
  • T. Rukat , C. C. Holmes , M. K. Titsias , C. Yau , Bayesian Boolean Matrix Factorisation, 2017.


  • T. Rukat , A. Baker , A. Quinn , M. Woolrich , Resting state brain networks from EEG: Comparing hidden Markov states with classical microstates, Proceedings of the 5th NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI), Dec. 2015.
  • T. Rukat , Distributed analysis of expression quantitative trait loci in Apache Spark, Jul-2015.
  • T. Rukat , S. A. Reinsberg , A Bayesian Information Criterion for Multi-Model Inference in DCE-MRI, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23 (2015) 2339, 2015, no. 2339.
  • T. Rukat , S. Walker-Samuel , S. A. Reinsberg , Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in mice: An investigation of model parameter uncertainties, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 73, 1979–1987, 2015.


  • T. Rukat , S. A. Reinsberg , Information Criteria weighted Parameter Estimates in DCE-MRI, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 22 (2014) 2741, 2014, no. 2741.


  • T. Rukat , Parameter Uncertainties in Tracer Kinetic Modelling of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI, Master's thesis, Humboldt University Berlin / University of British Columbia, 2013.
  • T. Rukat , S. Walker-Samuel , S. A. Reinsberg , AIF Induced Limits of Parameter Uncertainty in Pharmakokinetic Models of Pre-Clinical DCE-MRI, in Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 21 (2013) 2214, 2013, no. 2214.